Botker/Botcher - Hvolgard/Langskov/Nim
My GGGG Grandfather was Simon Johan Botcher. Lived in Nim District around Underup, Nim, Voerberg, etc. Have found him in LDS and Danish church records as far back as 1790's. He was born approximately 1761 and died Feb 1835. Married first to Annike Jorgensdatter in approx. 1791. She died 1803. Second marriage to Marie Kirstine Nielsdatter(of Oster Snede) in 1804. I found that they had 7 children. Their daughter, Jakobine married my GGG Grandfather Soren Laursen. Their son Peder Johanus Sorenson came to America with his wife, Mette Nielsen (daughter of Niels Nielsen and Ann Johansdatter) and 7 children (two married then).Do not know Simon's parents, brothers/sisters or where he came from before 1792. Am looking for family info or connections on any of above. I do know that Soren Laursen had a sister, Maren married Jorgen Johansen Cramer in 1819, Underup, and she died in 1838.Any info would be appreciated. Simon may have lived in Hvolgard, Langskov parish around 1787 and had a brother Peter Johan Botker who lived in Nim Closter