Looking for Chikamori & Nakagawa relatives
http://afamilycombined.blogspot.ca/2012/10/two-unknown-relatives-from-my-fathers.htmlhttp://afamilycombined.blogspot.ca/2012/10/two-unknown-relatives-from-my-fathers.html - Three Unknown relatives from Kochi-ken (last name should be Chikamori)
I believe this is my paternal great grandfather on my father mother's side
This was my great-grandmother on my father's mother's side when she was elderly.
I would like to know if there are any relatives with copies of those pictures and who are related to me and to my children.The names I'm looking for are Nakagawa and Chikamori.My grandfather's name was Masumu Chikamori and my grandmother's name was Chizuru Chikamori (nee Nakagawa)