Re: searching for Gordin/Gordon family names
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searching for Gordin/Gordon family names
Gordin family members from the Ellis Island list of Passengers;
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
1. Abraham GordinAnioor190220
2. Abraham GordinBeresdoff, Wolin, Russia191022
3. Abram GordinUtiant, Russia190711
4. Blume GordinWitcbsz190310
5. Chaja GordinDvinsk, Latvia192222
6. David GordinGutslaw190315
7. Delia GordinCloonkeen, Ireland191327
8. Eisig GordinBoguslaw, Russia190920
9. Enriqui Boedo Gordin189416
10. Estel GordinMogileu189816
11. Ettel Gordin190527
12. Feige GordinDwinsk, Russia191355
13. Frieda GordinLuczin, Russia190925
14. Ganna GordinReshiza190630
15. Hinde GordinDalbinew, Russia190618
16. Israel GordinWitcbsz19038
17. Itsche GordinGrodno189925
18. Itzig Gordin190522
19. Jacob Gordin190754
20. Jene GordinBobrink19054
21. Joy GordinManchester1904
22. Knut GordinSweden190210
23. Knut Johan GordinUllanger, Sweden192327
24. Leibe GordinPirobrod, Russia191019
25. Leie GordinDereczin, Russia190940
26. Leie GordinBeliczew, Russia191122
27. Malke GordinMogileu189836
28. Malke GordinKuradelsetgrad, Russia191138
29. Mendel GordinWwitepek, Russia191028
30. Moische GordinKanantz, Russia191325
31. Moisey GordinMarinpol, Russia191427
32. Moses GordinSmargon, Russia191222
33. Pesso GordinSteben, Russia19108
34. Rive Gordin189519
35. Rosin GordinWitebsk, Russia191220
36. Ruoke GordinDereczin, Russia190916
37. Salmen Gordin189510
38. Sara-Mindla GordinVarsovie, Poland192351
39. Schule GordinOwinsk190624
40. Sore GordinSteben, Russia191033
41. Sure GordinBoyslaw, Russia191245
42. Abram GordinHolenko190416
43. Abram GordinMinsk,190525
44. Alte or Aller Gordin or GordonLondon, England191148
45. Anne Gordin189319
46. Basche GordinUzda19057
47. Beile GordinUzda19058
48. Chaim GordinWilna190518
49. Chaim GordinOdessa19062
50. Chane GordinmarriedRiga, Russ190638came to brother S.Guts in New York
51. Chas. Gordin...189526
52. Chave GordinVidz, Russia191324
53. Elik GordinBoryslaw, Russia191218
54. Ester GordinUzda19055
55. Hania GordinLemberg, Austria191225
56. Hasche GordinMinsk190620
57. Hora GordinRiga, LatviaSeptember 25,1923age; 33going to brother Albert Gordon in New York
58. Itzig Gordin189411
59. Itzig GordinMogileu189814
60. Jacow GordinKischinew, Russia19128
61. James GordinColwyn Bay190455
62. Jankel GordinRussia190925
63. Jossel GordinKowno190626
64. Juda Hirsch GordinKischinew, Russia191126
65. Kalmen GordinMedel, Russia191322
66. Leiser GordinUzda19052
67. Luba GordinProluk, Russia191118
68. Malke GordinSlawen, Russia191019
69. Manuel GordinCorina, Spain190834
70. Matilda GordinSweden189923
71. Mendel GordinWitelzk, Russia191028
72. Mordche GordinUzda19059
73. Moses GordinWitebsk190030
74. Moses GordinTroki190044
75. Nechane GordinReshiza190628
76. Rivke GordinProskurow, Russia192218
77. Ronja GordinKischinew, Russia191218
78. Rose GordinUtiant, Russia190735
79. Scheim GordinBobrink19056
80. Sholem GordinRiga, LatviaFebruary 02, 1923age;16going to brother in law; B. Sorkin in New Yorkborn in Dwinsk
81. Sigrid GordinSweden190245
82. Sonie GordinOdessa190630
83. Wishne GordinSteben, Russia191011
84. Zalik GordinKischinew, Russia191211
85. Abrahim GordinSchusterovo, Russia191029
86. Alice GordinGuantanimo, Cuba191729
87. Boruch GordinWolkymen190622
88. Celeste GordinSesto di Reghina190724
89. Eida GordinSlobodka, Russia191020
90. Gershon GordinRiga, LatviaDecember 03, 1923age 31going to brother in law; Louis Levinin Brooklyn was born in Rezstitza Latvia
91. Harry Gordin190954
92. Heishel GordinAmdur190347
93. Isaac GordinRigaSeptember 19, 1904 age 22
94. Itke GordinPinsk, Russia191317
95. Jacob GordinBrooklyn, N. Y.190754
96. Jankel GordinBoyslaw, Russia19128
97. Malka GordinOdessa19061
98. Mendel GordinDwinsk, Latvia192330
99. Mordche GordinSmorgen, Russia190916
100. Mosach GordinDereczin, Russia190911
101. Naftuli GordinBelezyeze, Russia191233
102. Reisel GordinBobrink19050
103. Rosa GordinWitcbsz19036
104. Ruchel GordinZwyl, Russia191117
105. Salmon GordinGenee, Switzerland190929
106. Salomon GordinGomel, Russia191422
107. Sore GordinUzda190555
108. Berl GordinNowo Alezandrowski, Russia191038
109. Berzik GordinKarno190018
110. Chaim W. GordinKorosche, Russia191136
111. Feile Gordin189520
112. Frida GordinSweden190211
113. Frida Emelia GordinNew York, U. S. A.192245
114. Frume GordinMogileu18989
116. Itziq GordinBostof190427
117. Jonas Potter GordinSweden190250
118. Leib GordinKowno189321
119. Leiba GordinLomza192167
120. Leiser GordinBeliczew, Russia19110
121. Lilly GordinSweden19025
122. Lmertte GordinWitebsk190317
123. Martin GordinGalway190120
124. Michael GordinBrooklyn, N.Y.191224
125. Michael Gordin192327
126. Mire GordinResitza190617
127. Moisez GordinSlobodka, Russia191024
128. Morduch-Leib GordinWitebsk, Russia191219
129. Mowsche GordinResitza190661
130. Rashe GordinBabrinsk190527
131. Rose Gordin190938
132. Ruth GordinSweden190213
133. Salman GordinDewinsk190222
134. Samuel GordinKoppiez190420
135. Schime GordinUzda190530
136. Schulier GordinBoyslaw, Russia191248
137. Sime GordinSolok190619
138. Solomon Gordin or GordonLondon, England191148
139. Sora GordinKischinew, Russia191247
140. Sore GordinWitcbsz190345
141. Teitze GordinSteben, Russia191010
I am looking for relatives of my granfather; born in Russia c1890 lived in Riga, Berlin and Tel Aviv. had two brothers; Aharon Gordin and Lova Gordin both had two sons; one of them had Bubi and Zili (nick names) born c 1925 the other had two sons who were born in Riga c 1945. One of the brothers of my grandfather died at an eadly age. my grandfather would visit his family every year in Riga in the 1960s' from Israel. They lived on Red Army street in Riga. He also would visit his sister Berta in Leningrad but would meet her at the park- her family had a good job and they did not want people to know that they are Jewish. we know that she had a grandson he met who should be about 45 years old today. We lost tuch with the family after my grandfather died in 1974. A delative who visited Riga about five years ago told me that she met the widow of one of rhe cousins of my father and she was planing to get in touch with the family in Israel to go to live there. she never did- we know that she also had sons in Riga.