ZIMMERMANN Latvia 1820
I've been able to trace my mother's side of the family back to an August Leopold Zimmermann, who was married in Strocken (Dizstroki) Latvia in 1825.I've been able to find the marriage record in the Durben church records available on Raduraksti.I have not found any earlier information on August Zimmermann in the online Latvian records; this appears to support his death record, which lists his place of birth as Copenhagen.
A search of the online Danish census records, guild records (he was a Saddlemaker) and church records shows no record of him in Copenhagen.
I'm currently trying to determine if there are any Revision list records for Strocken.It is listed as a Rittergut in the "Baltisches Historiches Ortslexicon".However, Strocken does not appear in the list of Gutten in "Die Kurlandischen Seelenrevisionslisten" from the Herder-Institut.
I did find a mention of Strocken in the Latvian Archives Central Fonds Register, but I can't tell what kind of information is stored in the register (#6999).
Does anyone know of another source for finding information about Revision lists that might have additional information about what locations have surviving records?Any suggestions for other sources to search for information about immigration to Latvia, or registration of foreign nationals in Latvia during the 1820s?
Frank Petrik