Looking for information on Signe Linnea (Swenson )Smith
Looking for information Signe Linnea (Swenson possible mother name but not sure) born 10 October 1908 kisted in the 1940 census married to Alfred Smith in Anoka Minnesota ( he is cousin to my father ) . Signa L Smith passed away Sept 1991 in Anoka Mn . Any information is greatly welcomed Thank you in advanceCharlotte (Smith ) Mapes
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Re: Looking for information on Signe Linnea (Swenson )Smith
Arne Granquist 6/08/14
Re: Looking for information on Signe Linnea (Swenson )Smith
Arne Granquist 6/08/14
Re: Looking for information on Signe Linnea (Swenson )Smith
Arne Granquist 6/08/14