Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain
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Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain
I am descended from two Acostas who have as a common ancestor Blas
Lavelle Acosta bc 1773 in the Canaries.I believe you have one or more
errors in the statement you had in your query.If you can trace my two
lines, perhaps that will help.
For the first line:
I was born 1935, daughter of Louis Francis Acosta b 1906, son of Edward
Joseph Acosta b 1885, son of Jean Laurent Acosta b 1860, son of
Christobal Leon Acosta b 1814.Christobal Leon Acosta b 1814 was a son
of Blas Lavelle Acosta bc1773 in the Canaries, son of Antonio Acosta bc
For the second line:
My father's MOTHER was Genevieve Altazin b 1889, daughter of Marie
Victoria Acosta, daughter of Emmanuel Florence Acosta b 1827, son of
Emmanuel Antonio Acosta, b 1801, son of Blas Lavelle Acosta named above.
If you are interested in what I have, contact me and I will send more.
I live in Slidell.
I live in Slidell.
Sincerely, Vilora Acosta Bergeron, e-mail address [email protected]
Sincerely, Vilora Acosta Bergeron, e-mail address [email protected]More Replies:
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain..
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain..
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain..
Emilio Carmona 6/17/03
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain..
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain..
Re: Acosta began 1300 in Burgos,Spain