Re: Alley family of Scott County, VA
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Re: Alley family of Scott County, VA
Clara Preston 1/29/02
Thanks, the ones you list are my Alley's.David is David Jordan Alley married to Rhoda Ann Bagwell, one of their sons is Hamilton (Richard Hamilton Alley - my grandfather).Does the book take the family back into Virginia?If so how may I get the info or where is Gene's book available?I have a good bit of David Jordan Alley descendants in my Family Tree Maker files.
I have also been in contact with Patricia Gaddie who has an Alley website although it doesn't have her genealogy info on it.She has access to an Alley book also but I'm not sure if it is Gene's.For some reason I don't think it is.
Thanks for the response.Look forward to getting info on the Alley's.For some reason my Alley's are the line in my tree that I know the least about their origins.