Allison vs. MacAllister
All Allisons interested in Leonard Allison Morrison's version of an Allison/MacAllister Clan connection should review "Clan Donald", by Donald J. Macdonald of Castleton, 1978.This work is the definitive history of Clan Donald, fom which Clan MacAllister sprung.
In "Clan Donald" one will find that Morrison has confused Alistair Mor (, the founder of Clan MacAllister, with Alistair Og, who d.1308 in Dondonald Castle.They are not the same Alistair.
Further, research into "A History of Strathaven & Avondale", by William Feming Downie,1979, reveals that the Hamilton family owned no land in the Strathaven area until 1611 and that the Flemings and Bairds owned most of the land in Avondale.
The above puts into serious question the origins of the Allison family in Scotland, particularly when the family is found earlier than 1308, in England.