Michael Aylward
Michael Aylward
Looking for information on relatives and descendents of Michael Aylward, born about, 1814, Knockmoylan, Kilkenny County, Ireland.His parish was St. Beacon’s at Mullinivat.His son, Richard was born in 1845 in Knockmoylan, Kilkenny.Died April 21, 1892. Buried at St. Patrick’s Cemetary, McHenry, Illinois.Richard was married to Catherine Elizabeth Knox.It is suggested that Michael’s children were Mary, Kate (married to Edward Londergan) , Margaret, Johanna (married to Patrick Darmody); John, Albert, and Richard( married to Catherine Elizabeth Knox.Information provided by Erin Flannery and Larry Phalin.
It is believed that Michael Aylward left Kilkenny and traveled to Nova Scotia to stay with relatives.He latter moved to Chicago.He operated a saloon in Chicago. There was contact with the Chicago Aylwards and the Nova Scotia Aylwards into the 1930’s.
David Kemp,son of Margaret Aylward, grandson of Philip Aylward, great-grandson of Richard Aylward,great, great grandson of Michael Aylward.