A S "Arthur" b1852 OH s/o Andrew~A. S. m. Dottie Moore d/o WM•OH
In reply to:
A S b1852 MI<Andrewu2022 Dottie Moore d/o WMu2022OH
Jane Curci 3/16/02
This is interesting. The birthplace of Arthur's parents is Ireland.
Arthur was born in OH, not Michigan.
Are William and Rebecca the parents of Dottie?
Household Record1880 United States Census
Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Arthur CATONSelfMMaleW27OHMerchantIREIRE
Dot CATONWifeMFemaleW26OHKeeps HouseIREIRE
Wm. MOOREOtherMMaleW65IRERetired FarmerIREIRE
Rebecca MOOREOtherMFemaleW55IREHouse KeeperIREIRE
Source Information:
Census Place Jackson, Coshocton, Ohio
Family History Library Film1255003
NA Film NumberT9-1003
Page Number89A