Re: Descendents of William CHASE
In reply to:
Re: Descendents of William CHASE
Rebecca Walch 8/09/03
I have concluded it was Stephen Jr. born 1778 who married the daughter of Benjamin and Pamilla/Permelia Chase Smith McDonald.I have found online information regarding Benjamin McDonald "born about 1757 in/of Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts".Benjamin is listed as Pamilla's second husband.Ebenezer Smith was her first.Pamilla and Ebenezer "married 20 November 1781" according to several postings online.
On the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, in the Old Soldiers document, 1835 petition, Benjamin said "your petitioner came to this county with the Loyalists in 1783".
In a January 1842 document in the Old Soldiers information on the PANB website, Permelia is listed as the widow of Benjamin.
In an 1843 Old Soldiers report, Permelia McDonald is listed as 76, 1842, dead.