Robert Clark b. 1802, Scotland to Canada
Looking for any information on family of Robert Clark, born 1802 in Scotland and came into northern VT via Canada. He married Martha Diane Stienhour, daughter of Peter, and had son Goodsell Robert Clark in 1837. Martha Steinhour had brother Henry who had hotel on VT-Quebec border.
Goodsell Robert Clark married Charlotte Ayers in Addison Co.VT and they had sons Birchard, Goodsell John, Byron, John Wellington. Othr Clark names were Erma, Iola, Kenneth, Laurence, Burton, Donald, Allen, Cecil, Staanley, Donald, and Allen.
Donald, son of John Wellington moved to Arizona.
Robert Clark of VT also had twin daughters Bertha and Martha who apparently moved to Hartford CT.
Any help on any of these people greatly appreciated.
And until I see a passanger list I will wonder about "the came from Scotland to Canada" information.