Mrs. Bessie (Cowl) Clark
Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, January l3, l92l
MABEL, daughter of W.P. and EVA COWL, was born in Afton, Iowa, in l879.Her girlhood days were spent here, and since her marriage to JOHN EPPS, her home has been in Omaha, Nebr.MR. EPPS preceded her in death six years ago.She passed away in an Omaha hospital after a brief illness with pneumonia, Dec. 30, l920.She is survived by two sisters and a brother, MRS. F.S. STEWART of Leon, Iowa; MRS. BESSIE CLARK and brother, WILL COWL, both of Omaha, Nebr.Her brother JOHN COWL gave his life in the world war and soon will rest in Arlington Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
MR. and MRS. F.S. STEWART went to Omaha and accompanied the remains to Afton and she was laid at rest in the family lot at Greenlawn, New Year's morning.Short services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Skogsberg.
--Afton Star Enterprise.
Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
May 2l, 2002