10 results
Doring/Germany to US/1880's-early 1900's
Patty Lallo 7/29/01
Re: Doring/Germany to US/1880's-early 1900's
Alice Chance 12/07/02
Re: Doring/Germany to US/1880's-early 1900's
DORING, Ernest>Deu>NY
Joan Hartman 10/14/01
Re: DORING, Ernest>Deu>NY
Kim Coleman 1/28/03
Re: DORING, Ernest>Deu>NY
Doring . Berlin. Looking for Ursula or Gisela
Dorothee Louise Doring
Charles Field 1/26/02
Doring from Germany to Australia
Anthony Stralow 4/15/02
Doring in Ontario
frank ault 2/16/03
Doring Family In New York
Kenneth Farry 6/11/04
Auguste Doring
Peggy Lyte Tyrrell 12/28/04
dorings from Costa Rica , NY and NJ
Sharon Allen 6/20/07
Original Doring Family Heirlooms on
Joy Shivar 9/19/14