Firelands History Website Milestone
The "Firelands History Website" at http://firelands.wordpress.com has reached an important milestone, recording over 10,000 visits. Thanks to all who have stopped by to read "Sufferers' Land: A History", by Dave Barton, "Little Doctor on the Black Horse", by Harriott Benedict Wickham Barton, and the genealogies of the Dudley family and other early settlers of the Firelands. Your interest and support is greatly appreciated.
Over the next few months, the existing genealogies, to include the Dudley's, will be expanded, more families will be added, and additional stories posted on the website. Please visit often to learn more about the history of the Sufferers' Land and the role of the descendants of the Dudley family in the settlement of the region.
NOTE: The Sufferers' Land, or Firelands, as it is better known, is a part of the Western Reserve in northern Ohio that was given to “Sufferers” in Connecticut, burned out of their homes by the British during the American Revolution.