Looking for Duvall from France, VA, OH, TN, MO, AR
I have been searching for information on the family's of John Duvall from France, VA, OH, TN, MO, and AR. LDS 1880 Census list John as head of household age 44, Martha -wife, age 40, Andrew - son, age 18, David - son, age 15, Edwin - son, age 12, Aijah - son, age 10, George - son, age 8, Mattie daughter, age 5, Thomas - son, age 3 months, and Girtrude - Daughter, age 10 Months.Census place - Eureka Springs, Carroll Co, Arkansas.I have been searching for a long time on this family. If anyone has any information that would like to share with me. Please email me at [email protected]
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Re: Looking for Duvall from France, VA, OH, TN, MO, AR
Vicki Huerta 6/06/04