East family in Illinois Census
The following information was copied from Census records:
In 1810 J. East was living in Grand Tower,Randolph County, Illinois.1 male 45 & over 1 female 45 and over
In 1820 3 East families are listed:Henry East in Silver Creek, Madison Co, Illinois (p.090)He had 5 sons under 10, no daughters and he was listed as between 26-45.One female (his wife) is listed as between 26-45.
James East in Silver Creek, Madison Co, Illinois (p.090)
James East (I believe the father to Henry above) is listed in Silver Creek, Madison Co, Illinois (p.090)next to Henry East.James has 3 sons under 10, 1 son 10-16; 1 son 16-18;1 son 16-26.One male...James, 45 and over.Females: he has 2 under 10; 1 between 10-16; and one over 45.
A third East is listed in the 1820 Census:Thomas East of Big Hill Precinct, Jackson Co, ILL.(p.067)No information copied.
In 1830 Census:James East is again listed in Madison County ILL:with 1 son between 10-15; 2 between 15-20 and himself between 60-70.Females: 1 daughter between 10-15 and 1 woman between 50-60.
1830 Census of Madison County, ILL Joseph East is listed with 1 male between 20-30 (himself) and 1 female between 15-20 (his wife).
in 1840 census of Highland twnshp,Madison County, ILL: 3 East familes are listed next door to each other:James East, William East, and Joseph East.
Census information on the families of James, William and Joseph was copied, if anyone is interested in that.
Hope this helps someone researching the East family in Illinois.