Edmondsons in Randolph'County Alabama
More on Minerva/Mynerva Edmondson:
This name appears in Randolph in the next generation after Minerva Jane Edmondson in Troup Co GA.A genealogy given me five years ago by Greg Gosden covers the descendants of Mynerva Edmondson, born in 1855.She is buried at Liberty East Baptist Church. Name of husband not known.Children:
Lila Edmondson, b. Dec. 6, 1878.Married Z. Taylor Bowen.
Mary Ellen Edmondson, b. March 11, 1884. Died July 4, 1941.
John C. Edmondson, b. Dec. 4, 1886. Married Hattie Smith. Died Nov. 26, 1940.Grave at East Liberty Baptist.
Frances D. Edmondson, b. June 21, 1890. Married William Homer Garrett. Dec. 26, 1903. Died July 10, 1963. Grave at City Cemetery, LaGrange, GA.
The Census of 1900, Randolph County, lists Nerva Edmondson, 40, with Ellen, 15; Thomas, 23, Frances, 10. Lila had apparently married and was not in this household.
Was Mynerva Edmondson married?Who were her parents?Was she a daughter of John C. Edmondson who settled in Randolph County and was in the Northern Division in 1860, age 50, with birthplace listed as SC. Mary Alexander Edmondson is buried next to her at Liberty East Baptist Cemetery.Will follow with more information and questions. Any help out there?