Re: Mary Catherine Ferree
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Re: Mary Catherine Ferree
Eleanor Edmondson 11/28/06
Hi Eleanor,
Could I ask you for a few more specifics about this document you mention?First, which archives - state or church?Both are in Speyer.I went to the church archives, and their microfilmed records for Steinweiler are very spotty (and there are very few before 1700s).The only actual record I could find was the baptism record of Daniel and Anna Marie (Leininger) Ferree's oldest son, Andreas, in 1701.
Second, do you have any idea what kind of record it was?Purchase of land? Registration?If I get back someday to the other archive, it would help to know what I'm looking for.I would love to have copies of the actual primary sources.translating documents is tricky; having the original can clear up confusion.
(Third, perhaps a stupid question - what is SLC?)
I did find some secondary sources.A book (in English) called "The Palatine Families of New York 1710" by Henry Z Jones, Jr, has a listing for Marie.In it, he claims that the state archives in Speyer have a document ("File 52, F 11") that states "that Hanß Felten Ziegler sold his goods in Steinweiler to the honourable Daniel Ferrez and his wife Maria Warenbour for 100 Gulden, 40 Gulden at once and 60 Gulden at Christmas, 12 Sept 1681 (filed under Billigheim Mss.)" [all spelling as it appears in the book]
Another book, "Auswanderer aus Steinweiler in Drei Jahrhunderten", published in 1968, is a compilation of various families who emigrated from Steinweiler.In this book, the compiler states that Daniel Ferree became a citizen of Steinweiler on July 7, 1679.Perhaps this record is at the state archive.It also says Daniel died in 1687, but doesn't give a source.
The same book (again, sourceless) also has a section on "Isaak Le Fevre".Most of the info is not new.Says Isaac's father died in 1702, whereas all his siblings were murdered in 1685.Everywhere else says the father died along with the rest of the family.But I don't have sources for any of this - simply he said, she said.
Another book from the archive, called "Hugenotten in der Pfalz" culls names from various lists."Daniel Fieret" appears in Steinweiler on a 1678 list, but it is men's (head of household, I believe) names only.
- Linda Ferree
More Replies:
Re: Mary Catherine Ferree
Eleanor Edmondson 1/03/08
Re: Mary Catherine Ferree
Linda Ferree 1/03/08
Re: Mary Catherine Ferree