832 results
Iowa Goddards 1860-1895
Marybeth Wells 5/25/12
Nathan W. Goddard of Nashua NH
Wm Voss 5/08/13
Re: Nathan W. Goddard of Nashua NH
Annie Carlile 5/09/13
Re: Nathan W. Goddard of Nashua NH
Goddard-Lewin : Fanny Cecilia USA
Sandy Picklesimer 3/29/12
Rev. Edward Goddard m. Annica Susan Bayntun
paul robinson 8/13/13
Goddard Historical & Genealogical Society
JoAnn Daniel 2/05/12
Francis Lane Goddard
Linda Stout 2/20/12
Jane Crouch Bell Williams (1931 - 2012)
Caleb Teffeteller 3/09/12
Re: Jane Crouch Bell Williams (1931 - 2012)
Dawn Higgins 6/22/12
Re: Jane Crouch Bell Williams (1931 - 2012)
Mary Ann Goddard of Georgetown DC-1800`s
Jeanne Ratliff 3/27/12
philetus Goddard (Gozzaed) born Granby CT
patricia angeli 2/18/14
Re: philetus Goddard (Gozzaed) born Granby CT
Catherine Angell 2/19/14
Re: philetus Goddard (Gozzaed) born Granby CT
James and Rebecca Goddard
Robin Outzen 3/29/12
Jeanette (Nettie) Dickinson Goddard
Rebecca Goddard 2/22/14
Goddard Family in Charleston, SC
Sharon Gammon 3/15/14
Thomas Frederick Goddard
Candice Naus 5/25/14
Original Goddard Family Heirlooms on JustaJoy.com
Joy Shivar 7/24/14
William Goddard of Rhode Island
JoAnn E. Andrews 9/08/14
Maryland/DC Goddards
Dori Doherty 6/04/12
Did you test with DNA Heritage?
Lisa Wilcox 5/11/12
Mother of John Wesley Goddard
jo ann wells 7/04/12
Re: Mother of John Wesley Goddard
jo ann wells 9/04/12
Re: Mother of John Wesley Goddard
Zena (Goddard) Richards ancestors
Paul Richards 11/08/12
Re: Zena (Goddard) Richards ancestors
Lisajean Morris-Yavner 11/09/12
Re: Zena (Goddard) Richards ancestors
Paul Richards 11/13/12
Re: Zena (Goddard) Richards ancestors
Paul Richards 11/13/12
Re: Zena (Goddard) Richards ancestors
Re: Zena (Goddard) Richards ancestors
Goddards & Townsends, Newport, RI; mid 1700s
Linda (Noland) Layman 1/31/13