Re: Scots on the Chesapeake,1607-1830
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Re: Scots on the Chesapeake,1607-1830
Marta Johns(t)on Patterson 7/14/03
Marta and other interested Johnstons:
This DNA stuff is great!Do you folks realizethat we could tie each person we could find named Johnston/Johnson, etc. to a Scottish family or locale?This is so exciting.I am trying to find a few males with the Johnston/e surname, living in or originally from Dumfries or Galloway to take the test.
Perhaps Ian knows of someone?
Also, I was wrong.There was a Michael born in Scotland, apparently. So the name was not strictly unheard of in Scotland. Does anyone have a family history which includes any family letters from some special part of Scotland?
Will someone named Johnston/e who comes from Gilbert Johnston/e in the Carolinas please take the test? Then we need one from Samuel Johnston, his brother.
Also need one from Phillip J. and his half-brother, Benjamin (sons of Wm Johnston who m. Ann Chew and Betty Wyatt.0Phillip was only son by Betty, but Wm. had a bunch of sons, including Larkin and Littleton Johnston family of Georgia.If you happen to ne descended from any of the above, please take the DNA test.We will then have a fantastic base!! All of these men, both half and whole brothers should have identical DNA!!
So far, only two perfect matches have been found by me on the website, and they are not related without mutation to each other.
Aye Ready!