Michael Manogue/Minogue
Looking for any informationon Michael Manogue born 1836 and died in 1919 in Honeoye Falls, Monroe County, and his wife Mary McMahon born 1846 and died 1934. She is the aunt of my Great Grandmother Mary Ann McMahon. Mary Ann and her sister Ella were brought by her father to live with the Manogues.I know this McMahon Family is from County Armaugh.
I would appreciate any information as the above information is all I know andthere is no one left to ask.
More Replies:
Re: Michael Manogue/Minogue
Susan Donk 12/03/11
Re: Michael Manogue/Minogue
Albert Cloud, Jr. 7/17/02
Re: Michael & Lawrence Manogue/Minogue
Rosemary Ackroyd 1/30/05
Re: Michael & Lawrence Manogue/Minogue