Geoffrey MASSY, Cheshire - Salem, Mass.
I am looking for descendants of Geoffrey MASSY, born 1591 in Knutsford, Cheshire, England, who emigrated to Salem, Massechusettes in 1630 with his wife, Ellen Fox.Ellen was from Hunsterson, Wybunbury, England and they married in 1625.Their son, John (1631-1710) had 8 children, the youngest being John and Nathaniel. Who were the other six?Nathaniel, a cooper who died in 1739, had 5 children, including Daniel, Samuel and Rebecca.Who were the other 2? Daniel, a ferryman, married Abigail before 1747 and they had seven children, the youngest being Jonathan.Who were the others?Daniel's sister, Rebecca married Jonathan Hart in 1733.Daniel's youngest son, Jonathan (1747-1830) married Betsy Woodbury and they had 12 children.The eldest were Daniel, Hart and Edward (who were the others?).Jonathan and Betsy moved with their brood to the Watertown, New York area.The eldest son, Daniel married Rebecca Kelley and moved to Haldimand Township, near Cobourg, Ontario in 1802.Their children included Jonathan, Samuel, Betsy (my ancestor) who married Johnson Merriam, Daniel (the Daniel who founded the Massey-Harris tractor company and whose son, Hart, amassed great riches; the actor, Raymond Massey and former Governor General of Canada, Vincent Massey, are descended from this line) and two other daughters (who are they?). I would appreciate any information on any of these people, no matter how insignificant, but I am particularly interested in the unknown pieces of this puzzle and where they fit in with the others.
My information on Betsy's descendents comes from family records, on the other Masseys, from several books, including "The Massey's, Founding Family" by Mollie Gillen, "The Young Vincent Massey" by Claude Bissell, "The Imperial Canadian, Vincent Massey in Office", by Claude Bissell, as well as a book by Vincent Massey (but I can't remember the title) and one by Raymond Massey, as well as one about the Massey-Harris tractor company by Denison Merrill (or it might have been Merrill Denison), I look forward to hearing from anyone who has any information that ties in with mine.
Connie McCann-Wilkes (nee Christian)
Ottawa, Canada
[email protected] or [email protected].
Ottawa, Canada
[email protected] or [email protected].
More Replies:
Re: Geoffrey MASSY, Cheshire - Salem, Mass.
John Massey 4/08/08
Re: Geoffrey MASSY, Cheshire - Salem, Mass.
richard chandler 10/03/08
Re: Geoffrey MASSY, Cheshire - Salem, Mass.
richard chandler 10/03/08
Re: Geoffrey MASSY, Cheshire - Salem, Mass.
Re: Geoffrey MASSY, Cheshire - Salem, Mass.