MYERS, of Alsatian descent-please help
My maiden name is Myers, I have never been able to trace it tho, accoding to my great grandfather Louis G. Myers born 1853 in Paris France, his family name was something like DuMyer. I have no idea how it was really spelled.The family was of Alsace in the Lorraine district.He was sent to Hamburg Germany for education and left there at age 17 to come to America alone. He never had any further contact with his family in Europe.Can anyone help me, I would be eternally GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!!Please e-mail me with any info.
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Re: MYERS, of Alsatian descent-please help
Susan Hanson 9/05/01
Re: MYERS, of Alsatian descent-please help
Annette Campbell 9/05/01
Re: MYERS, of Alsatian descent-please help