Nancy Ogletree/Ambrose Haley
Change of pace from all the Johns. The wedding record for this wedding that took place in 1788 in Pittsylvania County, VAsays Nancy signed her own consent. Does this mean she was probably over 21?If so it means she was born 1767 or earlier.Who the heck is she????George Thompson is the surety.We know that our big John had a sister Ann who married George Thompson but where does this one come in?Any ideas?The tax records on Thomas seem to indicate he had all sons but maybe that is how they did things, only interested in "Free male persons over 21".
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Re: Nancy Ogletree/Ambrose Haley
Myra Maxwell. 9/13/03
Re: Nancy Ogletree/Ambrose Haley
Daniel Ogletree 9/13/03
Re: Nancy Ogletree/Ambrose Haley