In reply to:
anna jackson 11/22/99
OK here we go, bad typing and all.I have corresponded and exchanged info with Judy in the past.In fact, she is the one that told me they had never heard of the Ochiltree theory.
I copied the following from the library in Edinburgh and you probably have it all but here it comes anyway.
1.Marriage, Michael Ogletree to Annabella Scott jan 1805 Mohill, leitrim
2.Ann Ogletree born 15 nove 1807 to Michael and Annabella
3.Elizabeth, born1811 to Michael and Annabella
4.Marriage, Elizabeth to Thomas Boddy april 1828
5.Frances, born 4 April 1826 to Michael and Annabella
6.Henry born 1814 to Michael and Annabella
7.John born 1806 to Michael and Annabella
8.Mary born 15 Sept 1818 to Michael and Annabella
9.Sarah born 1816 to Michael and Annabella
It seems most of these Ogletrees went to Canada but some must have stayed behind because there was another John born to William Ogletree and Mary Finnegan in Mohill in 1869.
It seems most of these Ogletrees went to Canada but some must have stayed behind because there was another John born to William Ogletree and Mary Finnegan in Mohill in 1869.I have not been able to add this family to my data base because there is no tie in yet to connect.
I have not been able to add this family to my data base because there is no tie in yet to connect.How do you feel about the Ochiltree origin theory?I initially felt that the Canadian Ogletrees were a groupof loyalist who went north after the revolution but of course this has now been debunked.
How do you feel about the Ochiltree origin theory?I initially felt that the Canadian Ogletrees were a groupof loyalist who went north after the revolution but of course this has now been debunked.Dan