Sarah (Pettingill?) Field, possible w/of Silas Field ; Orleans Co., NY
I am posting this again, hoping to find someone who can use the deeds I have.I moved a few months ago, and am still attempting to clean out my files, one way of the other.I have (2) deeds acquired when extensive research was being done on my Sally(Sturges) (Johnson) (Field) Fields.Because I knew so little about her, there was the possibility that she may be Sarah “Sally” Fields. But after even more research it was determined that my Sally Field/Fields (she married a few times!) and Sarah Fields were not the same.
The two deeds I have are for a Sarah Field, born Maine(Census: Clarendon, Orleans Co., NY)Doing further research to be sure,Idecided it is possible Sarah Fieldwas the wife of Silas Field and possibly born a Pettingill (many spellings) as she is found in 1850 and 1855 census with other Pettingills in Town of Clarendon, Orleans County, NY.I would like to send the deeds, copies of the census info to anyone who might be interested.One of the deeds/Indentures by Sarah Fields is dated 07December 1857, to True E. G. Pettengill of Clarendon; the other one 26 August 1856 is from Sarah Field to Betsey Jenkins.
There are Pettingills connected to mySturges family and mentioned in the Sturges family history is True E. G.Pettingill who d. Aug. 19, 1896.But a distant connection andI have not spent time researching him.If you need more info or want me to send these to you, you can contact me off this message