Family Linage Genealogy Library and Repository
I am in the process of developing a Genealogical Repository and Library, where individual family researchers can call or write for information relative to their family linage research. I am making this post at this time to let those who would like to donate books, pictures, family linage research, documents or other items; to contact me at my e-mail for information relative to their donation(s) to the library and repository. Those who donate will receive recognition for their donation.
The following surnames are of particular interests to me, because they are major “roots” and branches. Those surnames are as follows:Ableson, Adams, Alden, Allaire, Allerton, Applegate, Atwood, Ayers, Babcock, Bader, Bairnsfather, Beauclerc, Blackwell, Blount, Brewster, Brown, Burlingame, Camenisch, Carrier, Clark, Collier, Compton, De Audley, De Beauchamp, De Fremingham, De Geneville, De Goushhill, De Greystoke, De Hastings, De Mortimer, De Munchensy, De Porhoet, De Swynnerton, De Vermmandois, De Wingfield, Delapp, Dickinson, Drescher, Droste, Dunham, Easterling, Fetterhoff, Fitz-Randolph, Fitzalan, Fitzhenry, Fitzhugh, Freeman, Fremingham, Frence, Galer, Harmon, Harper, Hatfield, Hilton, Holling, Hosterman, Hudson, King, Lee, Luke, Martin, Mayo, Meade, Morehouse, Mundy, Odell, Oleson, Pangburn, Pierce, Pigott, Plantagenet, Pray, Prence, Pysing, Roberts, Robinson, Romick, Siegfried, Smith, Southworth, Standish, Taylor, Wagner, Walbert, Wilcox, Wilson, Winslow, Wolf, and Wolverton.
After almost 40 years of family genealogical research, this listing of surnames is by no means all inclusive of those in my family linage / history. It does however represent the majority of the major surnames that impacted my particular family linage.
My e-mail address is:[email protected]. All relative e-mail contacts would be sincerely appreciated, and promptly answered. I would sincerely appreciate a copy of your family Crest / coat of arms enclosed in your e-mail in the form of an attachment; so that I can convert it into a specific section marker in the repository.