Re: John Ramella, WV
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Re: John Ramella, WV
diana ramella 1/29/09
My name is Eldean Ramella. I was married to John Leo Ramella III who was born in Fayetteville , W.Va. He had a half sister named Diana who lived in Washington State. My husband never met his sister Diana and only met his father John Leo Ramella Jr. twice. My husbands mother and father divorced when my husband was very young. My husband also had another sister but unfortunately I do not remember her name. My husband's father passed away several years ago and I believe at the time of his death he was living in Maryland. My husband grandmother's name was Dora or Dori Ramella,. She lived in Fayetteville W.Va at the time of her death. My husband never really knew his Father's family because his mother kept him away from them while he was growing up. I do remember after my husband and I were married going to visit his grandmother Ramella. I also met two of his aunts. I believe one of them was named Ann Marie ( I maybe wrong about her name) and I don't remember the other aunts name. If you are my husband's sister Diana, please e-mail me and let me know. You brother John passed away on Sept. 19, 2009 after a long illness. I think I have some pertinent medical information that you and you sister need to know and possibly share with your physicians. I look forward to hearing from you.
Eldean Ramella