Bessie Ramey Obituary 1972
Source: “The Stewart-Houston Times” Newspaper, a weekly newspaper of Stewart County and Houston County in Tennessee
Date of Newspaper: Tuesday, July 4, 1972
Name:Bessie Ramey
Age:Not Listed
Born: Date not listed, a native of Houston County, TN.
Died:June 21, 1972 at Trinity Hospital in Houston County, TN.
Funeral: June 24, 1972
Burial: Cemetery not listed
Parents: James Ramey and Sarah James
Surviving Spouse:None Listed
Surviving Children:None Listed
Surviving Siblings:Mrs. Vela Malone
If anyone is interested in a copy of the full and original obituary, I would be glad to share.Contact me at [email protected]
Melissa Barker
Genealogist for Tennessee and Kentucky