Re: Mark Schell, son of Mark (the twin)
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Re: Mark Schell, son of Mark (the twin)
Hoping you may be able to all the searching we have still come up empty handed.......John Shell, who is the son of Mark Shell, the twin, married an Elizabeth ?
They had a daughter Almira/Elmira Shell who with her parents moved to Worth Twp, Sanilac Co, Michigan by l850...Almira/ELmira married at the age of 15 in April of l841 to Ebenezer Sheldon - Age 26 years.
We seek to understand if anyone has the maiden name of John Shell's wife Elizabeth and she was born in New York approx., 1810 thereabouts.
Robert and Michelle
More Replies:
Re: Mark Schell, son of Mark (the twin)
Joseph Schell 4/29/03