Akron, OH
I am sorry to hear about your father.What was his name?He may have been the one I talked to Johnnie, Jr.?) when I called Wichita, because I think I remember him mentioning a daughter that was interested in the family tree.It was several years ago so I'm not sure.
I am also sorry that I cannot give you more of the information that you desire.Do you live in Little Rock? I've only been to Little Rock once when I was a child and have always imagined it being a desirable place to live.
My husband, Sterling, and I live in Akron, Ohio.I advised my son, Napoleon Rodgers, about corresponding with you.He lives in Milwaukee.He has two daughters, Nalani age 11 who is an avid reader, and Nia age 6 who has spina bifada and is a pure delight.