Re: Upshaw cemetary in Elbert Co. GA
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Re: Upshaw cemetary in Elbert Co. GA
ken busby 6/08/09
Hi Ken - sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I put your coordinates into google earth and got the maps and I have a question now: The map google gives me shows a road continuing straight, after crossing the bridge over the RR tracks, named "Chris Franklin Drive" and the cemetery (per the GPS coordinates) is shown just slightly (probably less than 100 yards) to the west of a curve to the left. If this is correct, it would be MUCH easier to reach the site this way than by the way you and I know it. The thing is, I don't think I recall this road being there in the 1970s when I last visited it - do you know? If so, I get down that way every year or so and I'll try it out the next time I'm by there. Thanks, Ted in Cumming.