I have been working on my husband and my family histories for several years now. I want to thank everyone that has helped me along the way.I hope we are able to stay in touch looking forward to new discoveries. My research includes the following families and includes the counties they immigrated from. (Several names had different variations in the spelling) Alabama - Allison, Blackwell, Manasco, McGough, Williams Connecticut - Wetmore or Whitmore Illinois - Enright, Reed, Sharpe, Taylor Indiana - Morgan, Randall Or(Reynolds),Morris Iowa - Thomas, Leazer Michigan - Brouwer, Diekema, Knoll, Kock, Kok, Morgan, Smedenga, VanWieren, Wolf New York - Johnson, Reed, Sutz, Wetmore Missouri - Morgan (originally from KY), Young Ohio - Morris, Randall, Sigler If you believe that you might be apart of the family tree or researching any of the names please contact me. I don't give out information on living people to protect their privacy but an willing to share older parts of the family trees. In an attempt to control spam to contact me retype my email copy down the following email address ml_aggf @ yahoo.com